Finished Law School

Why did you do law school?

Literally, everyone in my life asked me that question when I began law school three years ago. I really didn’t have a clear answer. I wasn’t sure, myself.

Some thoughts, I for sure had. I clearly wanted a new challenge in life. I’d been doing the exact same things for many years. So, I felt a new challenge would be refreshing.

Along the above lines, I felt a new area of knowledge would only widen my perspective of things. I’ve been writing and publishing in practical Talmudic law for decades. There was a logic to adding another field of law made sense.

Whatever the real reason was, I spoke it over with my wife, Miriam. She was supportive.

I’m happy to say, my grades were above average.

So, last week, I completed the pretty grueling degree. I graduated from the College of Law and Business, with a LLB.

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