Groundbreaking: Online Purity Calculator Update

I’ve been escorting this program for over a decade.

Since, 2006, I’ve been escorting, helping steer and working hard with the staff to help bring to life.

At that time, the owner, Mrs. R. Bloom asked me what I thought about helping make an online Jewish family purity calendar come to life. I was in favor and work began immediately.

For the next three years, they programmed probably one of the most complex Jewish observance programs of our generation. They sent hundreds of questions about fine areas of this complex area, ‘tahara.’ In short, it was a whirlwind of activity.


In 2009, the site, was launched. It was quickly translated into Russian, Hebrew, French and Spanish. It covers all major customs: Ashkenaz, Chabad, Sefard. And, within each has numerous Rabbinic options. It was a lot of work.

I am fortunate to have the merit of being the site’s halachic responder.

In 2012, the program became accessible as an App across all platforms.

Today, 2017 the company is making an official announcement of it’s latest update.

It’s been many years, but with G-d’s help the project is being used by many couples throughout the world.

Following: The Company’s official announcement….

History Is Made with Groundbreaking Mikvah Kavuah System Introduces Pattern Calculation System, a mathematic and computational feat.

Observances of the laws of family purity are complicated and confusing. makes it easy.

Known by its users as ‘the pink and purple mikvah app,’ both the website and smart phone application are accessible and simple to maneuver.

Since its release in 2009, has functioned as a modern, user-friendly resource for couples endeavoring to follow the age-old Jewish laws of family purity. The website’s MIT-educated developers utilize principals of both design and utility to create a website which is not only easy to use, but enjoyable.

After using the app, one would think it couldn’t get better. Well, we were just proven wrong. Today, goes from being the easiest one of its kind to the only one of its kind.

Since the website’s inception, the founders of the website have continually pushed themselves to find ways to make more user-friendly and technologically advanced. In its new update, utilizes unprecedented technology to solve for a complicated matter that even experienced rabbis grapple with, that of kavuah, regular patterns.

“We’ve been working on developing this technology for seven years,” founder Rivkah Bloom says. “This Kavuah system will allow couples to keep Mikvah with the greatest amount of accuracy since the giving of the Torah.”

Let’s explain:

To fully observe the laws of Mikvah, it is necessary to detect regular patterns in the menstrual cycle and then use that information to calculate one’s next expected period. This is a confusing process when considering the possibility of simultaneous patterns, dormant patterns, active patterns, and uprooted patterns. Making matters even more complicated, life events such as pregnancy, birth, and nursing affect the calculations and need to be taken into consideration.

Until today, women have needed to struggle with these complicated calculations on their own.

With the update, that will no longer be necessary.

For the first time ever, has created a system which will automatically do the work for you. The website’s developers have worked with Rabbonim from all sectors of the Jewish world to codify these laws into a programming framework.

Rabbi Fischel Jacobs, raves about the new update, “Expanding to include these extremely complex areas of law, halacha, further establishes as one of our generation’s greatest Torah innovations.” (Rabbi Fishel Jacobs is the site’s responding rabbi. His seforim include: Chochmot Hatahara, Family Purity – The Complete Guide According to Chabad custom (English); Zemonim.) allows computer and smart-phone users the ability to access their calendars on the go. The website is now available in English, Hebrew, French, and Spanish and caters to nuances of Sephardic, Ashkanazic, Chabad, and Modern Orthodox customs.

Still confused? The team at team is there to help.

Go ahead, try it. Log in, and play around.

This website will take care of the rest.

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